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Free Knitting Patterns : Baby Stretch

These pants and hat are stretchy enough to grow comfortably with your little one. Shown nn Bernat Baby Stretch. Size 4.5mm (U.S. 7) knitting needles.

By Bernat.Com

Skill Level

To fit waist measurement

6 (12-18) mos 17 (18-20) ins [43 (45.5– 51) cm].
Hat: Fits baby’s head 6 (12/18) mos.

Bernat® Baby Stretch

(80 g /2.8 oz): Pants and Hat:
MC: #30315 (Purple Ping Pong)
A: #30005 (Stretchy Snow)
B: #30712 (Jungle Jump)
C: #30412 (Strawberry Spring)
1 ball of MC, A, B and C for each size.

Size 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge.
¾ inch [2 cm] wide elastic for Pants.

20 sts and 26 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st.


The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).

Stripe Pat: (worked in stocking st throughout): 4 rows B, 1 row MC, 1 row A, 2 rows MC, 4 rows C, 1 row A, 1 row B, 2 rows A, 4 rows MC, 1 row C, 1 row A, 2 rows C. These 24 rows form Stripe Pat.

: **With MC, beg at ankle, cast on 43 (47-49) sts. Knit 5 rows (garter st), noting first row is WS.
Proceed in Stripe Pat, inc 1 st at each end of 7th and every following 4th row until there are 65 (69-75) sts.
Cont even in pat until work from beg measures 9½ (10½-12) ins [24 (26.5– 30.5) cm], ending with a WS row.

Shape crotch: Cast off 3 (3-4) sts beg next 2 rows. Dec 1 st each end of next and every following alt row twice more. 53 (57-61) sts rem. Cont even in Stripe Pat until work from cast off edge measures 6 (-7) ins [15 (16.5-18) cm],** ending with a purl row.

Shape top: Cast off 10 (11-12) sts beg next and every following alt row 3 times more. Work 1 row even. Cast off rem 13 sts.

LEFT LEG: Work from ** to ** as given for Right Leg, ending with a knit row.
Shape top: Work as given for Right Leg.

FINISHING: Sew inseam and crotch seams. Fold top edge 1 inch [2.5 cm] to WS to form casing and sew in position leaving an opening to insert elastic. Cut elastic to waist measurement and insert through casing. Sew ends of elastic tog securely. Sew opening closed.

With MC, cast on 73 (78) sts. Knit 5 rows (garter st), noting first row is WS and inc 3 sts evenly across last row. 76 (81) sts. Proceed in Stripe Pat for 4½ (5) ins [11.5 (12.5) cm] total length, ending with a purl row and dec 3 (0) sts evenly across last row. 73 (81) sts.

Shape top: Keeping cont of Stripe Pat:
1st row: K1. *K2tog. K7 (8). Rep from * to end of row. 65 (73) sts.
2nd and alt rows: Purl.
3rd row: K1. *K2tog. K6 (7). Rep from * to end of row. 57 (65) sts. Cont in this manner, dec 8 sts evenly around every following alt row until there are 17 sts. Break yarn leaving a long end. Draw end tightly through rem sts. Sew center back seam.